Ah, so Midsommar was inspired by this! Powerful, distinctive portrayal of an otherworldly village where paganism beliefs have seeped in everywhere and every person functions as part of an organic whole. The affability and peacefulness visible to the eyes are all the more horrifying when underlain by sinister intentions. As we learn everything through the sergeant's eyes, the identification has been built up throughout the entire film and therefore the final wicker man scene comes even harder and stronger, leaving us shiver in total hopelessness. (When the sergeant shouts desperately 'can't you see there is no sun god!', does he have a fleeting doubt about his Lord Jesus Christ too?)
老马极为敏锐地把她拍成黑白片红色的拳套耀眼的腰带闪亮的灯光拳击场终究是太荤了而在黑白中拉莫塔才得以腾挪慢舞挺进邻居人妻雪白的身体韩国电影才能将挨打转化为牺牲和救赎几处运镜相当出色比如拉莫塔入场时的摄像机运动vicky与莫塔接近时突然转为特写莫塔在监狱里是摄像机机位等等莫塔最后一幕在表演之前如以往般喊"I'm the boss."无比动人
E.L.E Extinction Level Event. 毁灭级事件Life goes on, not for everyone. 继续工作继续还房贷不会有囤货不会有奸商一瓶可乐3元钱明天还是3元钱希望远远不够绝望也不行拿什么衡量生命凭什么你的生命更宝贵更值得活下去不要忘记你的日常挺进邻居人妻雪白的身体韩国电影是别人拿生命换来的日常Daddy, 我好怕5岁那些记忆我都记得