阿婆真的很擅长写人性陌陌附近人聊天免费觉得最后律师不停的对妻子说i did everything for you的时候感触好多大海成了他最后的归宿人生果然不能太过执着放过他人也是放过自己吧
“If I decide to leave you, what remains for me, our faith of each other, the promise we made to each other that wherever you are, I must be there too.”
爱被赋予要求的权力"Everything you do is my business. You are my business and I'm yours." 怎能妥协要么全心以赴要么灰飞烟灭"I will never love anybody the way I love you. I know that, you know that, and I will die knowing that."