As far as I am concerned, the pain originates from the mismatch between the silence of God and human desire for unified understanding, purpose, and meaning. What is the answer to love, belief, and everything? Does my life signify anything? Why has God created me so eternally dissatisfied and confused? God, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?
一部会让你爱上德州和德州人的片子似曾相识的德州村镇浓郁沙哑的德州口音淳朴彪悍的德州民风深而不腻的德州人情兄弟俩和老警长把最自然的德州人刻画的淋漓尽致用情至深却毫不做作甩月光男孩不止一条街既然没了奥斯卡我只能说:“You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.”